Cheers To English Wine
An English sparkling wine has beaten off competitors from across the globe to be named the world’s best in an international competition.
The Nyetimber Classic Cuvee 1998, made in West Sussex, was crowned the best traditionally-made sparkling wine.
English wine producers won a combined total of 16 medals at the International Wine and Spirit Competition – up from 12 last year.
Australian entrants held onto their overall number one position on the basis of points awarded their combined bronze, silver and gold medals.
South Africa and France kept second and third places respectively in the wine producers’ overall ranking.
Spain came fourth followed by Italy in fifth place.
New World wines made up seven of the top 10 producing countries, dominating their Old World rivals.
English wines had done exceptionally well this year, competition spokeswoman Lesley Gray said.
„They put in a very strong showing. England really does have a place producing champagne-style wine,“ she said.
Dermot Sugrue, winemaker at the Nyetimber Vineyard, said he was delighted with the award.
„This is a real stamp of approval of just how world-class the sparkling wines we can produce in England are.“
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