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WACS Congress 2006 – Final



As the 32nd WACS Congress came to a close, it was clear the five-day New Zealand session was truly groundbreaking. Many new ideas were introduced and many old issues were settled.

The Board’s token of appreciation to the comgress organizing committee

The most significant motion passed during the business sessions was the name and logo change. WACS is now known as the World Association of Chefs’ Societies, a revamp that will hopefully see the WACS brand take off to new heights under the direction of Bill Gallagher and his marketing, communication and sponsorship vision. The WACS by-laws were also passed, although new recommendations are always welcome (feedback your continental directors). These will give WACS more direction in the future, especially in shaping an association that’s more inclusive than exclusive.

The Board saw the introduction of two new Continental Directors— John Sloane (Singapore) now has the Asian region under his wing, while South Europe voted in 44-year-old Srecko Koklic from Slovenia. Frank Naesheim and Fausto Airoldi will leave the Board knowing they’ve done a successful job in the past two years.

The Bill Gallagher Junior Forum literally struck gold— around US$20,000 was raised in scholarship money from pledges made in response to the American Culinary Stefan Cosser A Junior Forum participant sharing his experienceFederation’s initial US$1,000 donation.

There was yet another breakthrough at the Pohutukawa Gala Dinner. The inaugural WACS Awards ceremony recognized Gerard Mendes, the President of the Sri Lanka culinary association, and his colleagues for their efforts in helping victims of the tsumani with the Honorary President Humanitarian of the Year Award as well as a USD$10,000 cheque. The Sri Lanka team didn’t just stop at cooking 10,000 meals a day in the immediate aftermath but have continued by starting a small hotel school with 100 students, aged 18 to 24 years, who have lost parent(s) in the tsunami.

An Education Award was given to German Master Chef Gerhard Bauer, who was WACS’ most active member in the Train-the-Trainer programme. The President and CEO of Unilever Foodsolutions, Norman Club received the Global Partnership Award for the company’s continued support of WACS and practically every member country.

WACS President Ferdinand Metz then presented a Lifetime Achievement Award to a very surprised Bill Gallagher, who believed there was an agreement no board member could receive an award. The crystal globe award, said President Metz, represented the clarity of Bill Gallagher’s career and the brilliance of his career.


Dinner continued with some brilliant entertainment from the Three Waiters, a triply talented trio that delighted the audience with song, comedy and some acting (their French, Italian and Scottish accents were almost convincing).

As the night came to a close, there was no doubt the New Zealand Congress Committee had poured their hard work, time and most of all, their hearts into ensuring the five-day congress was run efficiently and effectively. In thanks for all their hard work, they were presented with many gifts from the visiting countries as well as from the Board.

The Chilean delegation were still celebrating their successful bid for Congress 2010, which has everyone excited as it will be the first WACS Congress to be held in Latin America. But closer yet is the 33rd WACS Congress in Dubai, United Arab Emirates that will see the anticipated inaugural Global Chefs Challenge. See you there!

More info here

See more photo here

WACS Congress Newsletter of Day 5 (PDF document)



[email protected]

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