Territory Culinary Challenge 2006
On behalf of the Australian Culinary Federation NT Chapter (ACFNT), I would like to invite you to participate in the inaugural Territory Culinary Challenge; a showcase of local culinary talent, cuisine, fresh local produce and a chance to promote the Territorys growing hospitality industry.
Since its inception in 1995, the ACFNT has endeavoured to support chefs throughout the region, with close ties to educational institutions and local businesses. With the hospitality industrys rapid growth throughout the Territory, this latest competition endeavours not only to challenge the chefs of the NT in creating cuisine with uniquely Territorian ingredients, but to raise the industry to the forefront, with many opportunities for sponsors and businesses to participate and reap benefits.
Each category of the competition has been chosen to showcase an ingredient that has been produced, grown or caught in the Territory, with competitors able to experiment with new ways of preparing and presenting them. All proceeds will go towards the development of future generations of chefs ensuring a bright future for the culinary industry in the Territory.
To all our sponsors thank you for your support and involvement in this inaugural event. And to our competitors the best of luck! May you learn and be inspired by this experience.
T.Y. Lee President
More info: here (Pdf)
photo: Australia Culinary
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