Kokkaspjall á Grand hótel
Grand hótel Reykjavík verða með Pólska daga 27. apríl 3. maí, en þá kemur heimsfrægur matreiðslumeistari í heimsókn að nafni Robert Maklowicz. Robert verður með kokkaspjall 1. maí kl 17:00 þar sem hann mun kynna austur-evrópska matreiðslu í máli og myndum og matreiða þjóðlega rétti. Kokkaspjallið fer fram á ensku.
Það verður svo tekin upp sjónvarpsþáttur á meðan hann matreiðir fyrir hópinn og má vænta lifandi og skemmtilegu kokkaspjalli sem kemur til með að standa yfir u.þ.b. einn og hálfan tíma og ef menn hafa áhuga þá verður pólskur matseðill á veitingastaðnum á Grand hótel um kvöldið.
Hér að neðan ber að líta einn þáttinn hjá Robert Maklowicz, þar sem hann fer meðal annars á kræklingaveiðar, heimsækir bakarí í litlu þorpi.
Hér að neðan ber að líta upplýsingar um Robert á vef Wikipedia:
Robert Makłowicz
From Wikipedia
Robert Makłowicz (born August 12, 1963 in Cracow, Poland) is a Polish journalist and historian, notable as a promoter of the Polish cuisine, slow food and a television personality.
He became fascinated with European cuisine during his studies at the historical faculty of the Jagiellonian University. After the end of communism in Poland, in 1993 as a joke he had shown one of his friends a recipe for wiener schnitzel he prepared himself. He was instantly offered the job of a culinary critic of the Kraków variation of the Gazeta Wyborcza daily. Soon afterwards his essays and descriptions of various restaurants in Kraków became so popular, that he was moved to the all-national weekly magazine published by Gazeta Wyborcza. He also started cooperation with various other newspapers, including Przekrój, Wprost (2002-2005) and Newsweek Polska (since 2005).
In 1996 he was also offered a short programme in the morning block of the public TV. Although far from prime time, the programme gained much popularity and, since August 1998, Makłowicz has been preparing a weekly show named Robert Makłowicz’s Culinary Travels. Each show is prepared in a different region of the world and presents the local cuisine as prepared by Makłowicz himself or by local people, not necessarily professional chefs.
Makłowicz also published a number of books on culinary traditions of his homeland, Galicia. The first of the series, the C.K. Kuchnia (K.u.K. Cuisine) became a nation-wide best-seller.
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