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Hong Kong Chefs Association´s website



The Hong Kong Chefs Association has just updated their website with a great new look 

Check it out here:

The Hong Kong Chefs Association (HKCA), the premier source of culinary and technical information for the food industry in Hong Kong, is a growing professional association, with approximately 250 paying members including chefs, food scientists, food technologists, suppliers, distributors and related food industry professionals, as well as 2500 non paying people with interest in our organization. The HKCA is committed to the advancement of the culinary arts and food science. The association provides the chef an opportunity and a forum for professional and educational development and exchange of information.



Smári er matreiðslumaður að mennt, en hann hefur starfað við fagið til fjölda ára, bæði sem starfsmaður og rekstraraðili. Hægt er að hafa samband við Smára á netfangið [email protected] Skoða allar greinar höfundar hér >>

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