Viðtöl, örfréttir & frumraun
Hér er mat,- og vínseðillinn í kóngaveislunni í London
Alltaf þegar stórmenni hittast er haldin heljarinnar matarveisla og var engin undantekning á því í heimsókn Kínverska forsetans Xi Jinping til Bretlands sem var í boði Elísabetar drottningu nú á dögunum.
Veislan fór fram í Buchingham höll og var Bretadrottning gestgjafi að kvöldi.
Hér getur að líta sætaskipan á háborðinu:
- George Osborne
- H. E. Mr Li Zhanshu, chief of staff of central committee of Communist Party
- Mrs Justin Welby
- Prince William
- Madame Peng Liyuan, wife of president Xi
- Duke of Edinburgh
- Queen
- President Xi
- Duchess of Cambridge
- H.E Mr Wang Huning, head of central policy research office, Communist Party
- David Cameron
- Dame Ann Dowling, Fellow of the Royal Society
- Justin Welby
Og svo er það matseðill kvöldsins:
Le Menu
Filet de Turbot à l’Amiral
(Fillet of West Coast Turbot with Lobster mousse)
* * *
Longe de Venaison d’Ecosse Rôtie
Sauce Périgueux
Choux Rouges Braisés
Timbale de Céleri-rave
Pommes Cocottes Bonne Femme
(Roasted Loin of Balmoral Venison in a Madeira and Truffle Sauce
Braised red Cabbage
Cocotte Potatoes
Timbale of Celeriac and butternut Squash)
* * *
Entremet au Chocolat, Mangue
et Citron Vert
(Délice of Dark Chocolate Mango and Lime)
* * *
Fruits de Dessert
Les Vins
Ridgeview Grosvenor 2009 Brut
Meursault 1er Cru Santenots 2007
(Domaine Marquis d’Angerville)
Château Haut-Brion 1989, Graves
Klein Constantia Vin de Constance 2008
Warre’s Vintage Port 1977
The musical programme, played by the Countess of Wessex’s String Orchestra, includes a number of Chinese folk songs – which are likely to be popular with Madame Peng – who is a famous folk singer in China.
Among the pieces is a medley entitled Chinese Folk Fantasy and a folk song called Xiao He Tang Shui. Other ensembles include the Beatles track Eleanor Rigby and Nobody Does It Better – the theme music from the 1977 Bond film The Spy Who Loved Me.
The Pipe programme includes the Sound of Sleat and the Caledonian Canal and is led by Pipe Major Martin MacDonald and performed by the 4th Battalion The Royal Regiment of Scotland and the Army School of Bagpipe Music and Highland Drumming.
Gestafjöldi var 170 manns.
Myndir: Skjáskot úr beinni útsendingu SkyNews.
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