Goodfella's offer movie and wine promotion …
Pizza company Goodfella’s is to promote its La Bottega range of frozen pizzas with an on-pack wine and DVD rental campaign through winemakers Ernest & Julio Gallo and Screenselect.
The campaign, which will run in Sainsbury’s stores nationwide from mid-July until the end of September, offers a free bottle of Ernest & Julio Gallo Turning Leaf wine and five free DVD rentals from the Screenselect website to every customer who registers with its free online DVD rental trial. Packaging Media, who devised the Goodfella’s on-pack promotion, previously brokered a football-themed promotion for Goodfella’s Deeply Delicious pizza to coincide with the World Cup. The company has also designed a patented tear-strip mechanism called Moreinside, which when opened reveals additional print space for promotional advertising. Keran Turakhia, founder of Packaging Media, said: „It’s been a fantastic coup to secure Ernest & Julio Gallo as a promotional partner.
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