Frakkland vinnur World Pastry Cup 2009
Það voru frakkarnir Jérôme DE OLIVEIRA, Jérôme LANGILLIER og Marc RIVIERE sem unnu keppnina World Pastry Cup 2009 sem haldin var dagana 25.-26. janúar á Shira sýningunni í Lyon í Frakklandi þar sem keppnin Bocuse d´Or fer fram, en þar er íslenski kandítatinn okkar Ragnar Ómarsson að keppa.
Í öðru sæti í World Pastry Cup 2009 urðu Ítalirnir Giancarlo CORTINOVIS, Alessandro DALMASSO og Domenico LONGO.
Í þriðja sæti urðu Alain VANDERMISSEN, François GALTIER og Raphaël GIOT.
Í verðlaun var:
1. sæti 12,000 Evrur
2. sæti 7,000 Evrur
3. sæti 4,000 Evrur
Fréttatilkynningin í heild sinni:
FRANCE is the winner of the World Pastry Cup 2009
In Lyon, on the 25th and 26th January 2009 as part of the Sirha, on the occasion of its 20th birthday the World Pastry Cup brought together the very best pastry chefs of the planet for a contest dedicated to gourmet sweet creations.
No less than 22 nations competed in this edition of the World Pastry Cup. A remarkable number of participants, never before achieved in the history of the event!
Within two decades, the World Pastry Cup created by Gabriel Paillasson has become an undisputed reference event in the trade. The most prestigious pastry chefs in the world take part in this contest, the best among them receive consecration.
22 countries participated in the 2009 edition:
South Korea
The Netherlands
United States
Each team, composed of a pastry chef, a chocolate specialist and an ice-cream specialist, had 10 hours in which to prepare: 3 chocolate desserts, 3 frozen fruit desserts, an ice sculpture, a chocolate sculpture and a sculpture made of drawn sugar.
The ceremony for the presentation of the prizes took place on January 26th 2009 in the presence of Gabriel Paillasson, President-Founder of the contest and of Pierre Hermé, President of Honour of the 2009 edition.
1 – FRANCE has won the 11th World Pastry Cup. Jérôme DE OLIVEIRA, Jérôme LANGILLIER et Marc RIVIERE were presented with the World Pastry Cup trophy, created by Antoine Arnaud, the gold medal and also with 12,000 in prize money.
2 ITALY achieved the second place: Giancarlo CORTINOVIS, Alessandro DALMASSO et Domenico LONGO were presented with the Silver medal and also with 7,000 in prize money.
3 – BELGIUM achieved the third place: Alain VANDERMISSEN, François GALTIER et Raphaël GIOT were presented with the Bronze Medal, and also with 4,000 in prize money.
Mynd: Sirha | /Smári
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