Bocuse d´Or 2009: Ísland í 7. sæti
Þá er búið að tilkynna úrslit í Bocuse d´Or 2009 og lenti Ragnar Ómarsson í 7. sæti og í 1. sæti varð Geir SKEIE frá noregi. Í 2. sæti varð Jonas LUNDGREN frá Svíþjóð og í 3. sæti varð Philippe MILLE frá Frakklandi.
Það er því ljóst að Ísland þarf að fara í forkeppni á komandi ári til að komast í aðalkeppnina sem haldin verður þá næst árið 2011 í Lyon í Frakklandi, en fyrstu 6 sæti eru með öruggt sæti í aðalkeppnina eins og áður sagði árið 2011, en þær þjóðir eru:
1. Noregur
2. Svíþjóð
3. Frakkland
4. Danmörk
5. Sviss
6. Bandaríkin
Fleira tengt efni hér
Hér að neðan ber að líta fréttatilkynninguna í heild sinni á ensku:
28th January 2009
With Geir SKEIE, Restaurant Mathuset Solvold – SANDEFJORD NORWAY is the winner of the Bocuse dOr 2009
As part of the Sirha at Lyon, 24 Chefs from the four corners of the planet pitted their skills against each another on January 27th and 28th in their attempt to win the Bocuse d’Or title.
For more than twenty years the Bocuse d’Or has been staging the most beautiful gourmet creations in the world in the manner of a haute couture fashion show.
Working in contest kitchens set up facing the public, 24 chefs from all over the world took up the challenge to create two perfect dishes within 5 hrs 35 minutes. They had to achieve this feat as part of a grandiose show, using the official products of the Bocuse d’Or 2009: Aberdeen Angus Beef for the meat dish and Norwegian cod, king scallops and wild prawns for the fish dish.
The ceremony for the presentation of the prizes took place on January 28th 2009 in the presence of Paul Bocuse, President-founder of the event, and of Daniel Boulud, President of Honour of the 2009 edition.
1 – Geir SKEIE, Restaurant Mathuset Solvold – Sandefjord, representing NORWAY is the winner of the Bocuse dOr 2009. He was presented with the Bocuse d’Or trophy, created by Christine Delessert, also with 20,000 in prize money.
2 – Jonas LUNDGREN, representing SWEDEN achieved the second place and was presented with the Bocuse d’Argent silver trophy created by Christine Delessert, also with 15,000 in prize money.
3 – Philippe MILLE, Hôtel Le Meurice – Paris,, representing FRANCE achieved the 3rd place and was presented with the Bocuse de Bronze trophy created by Christine Delessert, also with 10,000 in prize money.
– Prize for the best Commis, awarded by the Academy of Bocuse dOr Winners: Grace PINEDA, CANADA
– Special Prize for the Fish dish: Jasper KURE, DENMARK
– Special Prize for the Meat dish: Jasper KURE, DENMARK
– Prize for the best promotional poster: BRAZIL
– Prize for the best promotional poster: CZECH REPUBLIC
Bocuse dOr « live » on Sirha TV its 500 000 vidéos 30 000 people from 103 countries
(Top 3 : France Norway USA).
Complete results for the 2009 edition of the Bocuse dOr
1. Norway 1020
2. Sweden 994
3. France 993
4. Denmark 986
5. Switzerland 922
6. USA 911
7. Iceland 891
8. Japan 877
9. Canada 870
10. United Kingdom 864
11. Finland 858
12. Australia 849
13. The Netherlands 837
14. Czech Republic 813
15. Estonia 812
16. Luxembourg 804
17. Mexico 762
18. Singapore 762
19. Malaysia 757
20. Spain 749
21. Brazil 698
22. South Africa 682
23. Uruguay 678
24. South Korea 669
Mynd: sirha | /Smári
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