I’m always blabbing about how hot it is down South, but no one can deny that right now, it’s hot in many other parts of the...
Its funny, the ideas people get in their heads. „Real men don’t eat quiche,“ for example. And what is quiche? Bacon, eggs and cheese in a...
Rome – White wine may be just as good for the heart as red, says a new study. Till recently researchers had suggested that red wine...
The ban on carrying liquids aboard airplanes in the wake of the foiled terror plot curbed sales at duty-free shops, at least temporarily, and had winery...
Ingi Þór Stefánsson hefur skrifað Erlingi Tryggvasyni opið bréf vegna málefna veitingastaðarins Langa Manga á Ísafirði, en eins og kunnugt er hefur Erlingur ítrekað kvartað undan...
Á vefnum Matseld.is var í gangi uppskriftaleikur og lauk honum í gær. Leikurinn hét „Heimsins besti matur“. Leikurinn fjallaði um þig og hvað þér finnst besti matur...
Fundur hjá Ung Freistingu verður haldinn mánudaginn 14 águst aðalmálefnin er undiskrift bókagjafar mikilvægt að allir mæti. Kveðja stjórn Ung Freistingar [email protected]
Vefsíðurnar www.veitingastadir.is og www.restaurants.is eru tveir nýir og spennandi vefmiðlar. Vefsíðurnar eru þær einu sem bæði innihalda nær alla veitingastaði á Íslandi og gera notendum kleift...
CLEVELAND – Eating just one meal high in saturated fat – in this case, carrot cake and a milkshake – can quickly prevent „good“ cholesterol from...
The conflicting health information about seafood can make you feel ready to go off the deep end. First, fish are touted for their health benefits. Then,...
The Melrose Fruit Market was ripe for the picking once the long-time owners opted for retirement. The quaint country store, located on U.S. 60/84 in Melrose,...
ALMATY, Kazakhstan Yury Wegelin, a German citizen who owns and runs a successful wine and juice company in Kazakhstan, spent five months in jail last...