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American Culinary Guide To Culinary Competitions: Cooking To Win!



Chef Edward G Leonard is as wonderful a writer as he is a teacher, advisor and leader. Being the president of the American Culinary Federation (ACF), Leonard’s vast and invaluable experience of being a chef impassioned him to write this book for students and apprentices of the culinary arts who partake in cookery competitions and to inspire those who do not cook, to do so.

The 14 chapters that cover topics such as the techniques and groundworks of cooking processes and skill sets, strategies, judging and presentation styles are straight to the point, engaging, and easy to follow.

American Culinary Guide To Culinary Competitions emerged as a result of the realisation that there was a lack of resource contributing to improving one’s skills and knowledge as well as the problems faced in the culinary competition arena.

Aimed at providing insights and experiences, this book not only stimulates cooking professionals to re-examine the way they approach food but also caters to the interests of the general public. It creates an avenue to apprehend the elements of a dish and coalesce the constituents that beget the cuisine.

The book covers different types of competitions, including the mystery basket challenges, team competitions and, hot and cold competitions.

Leonard provides pointers on what it takes to participate in competitions and knowing the game plan, to name a few, for potential competitors to ponder about before preparing a menu or entering a competition.

He also provides tips on filling out successful application forms, such as, wording the titles of your dishes in a way that provides the required information and allowing room for minor changes, as well as having quality pictures of the dishes taken professionally. These will indeed create an impression even before the competition starts.

Rich context of advice which are hard to come by are the fruits of Leonard’s rewarding experiences. Avoiding blunders in the kitchen, forming philosophies, various strategies and successful presentations are just some of the pre-eminently transcendent experiences. Where words won’t suffice, he includes handy illustrations as well.

With explicit details from terms used in flavouring menus to taking up challenges in the kitchen, this exceptional book will enable any culinarian to recreate magic in their kitchen. With coloured pictorials of award winning dishes smacked in the middle, this reasonably sized book unveils captivating aesthetic dishes and informative tips.

Suitable for newcomers of the competitive arena or for seasoned competitors to review their perspectives, American Culinary Guide To Culinary Competitions views all aspects and more to what goes on in the culinary competitions.


Realise in web World Association of Cooks Societies



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