Amaya (London), the new Indian cuisine
In Sanskrit, Amaya means the tearing of the ‘maya’, the veil preventing us from acceding to the truth. The restaurant Amaya sets out precisely to unveil a modern, understated and light, yet ‘authentic’ version of all the tastes and cooking techniques of Indian gastronomy.
After China, it’s India’s turn to take part in globalisation, conquering the world. Its cuisine is no exception: Indian gastronomy is carving out a prominent place in the capital of the former British Empire, which has become a capital of gastronomy full stop.
Located in the very chic Knightsbridge district, Amaya, which has just obtained its first star in the Michelin Guide, proposes to allow us to taste the very essence of Indian cuisine. Aficionados of traditional, often indigestible curries, should try somewhere else…
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