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Vietnam approves long term seafood exports strategy



VietNamNet Bridge – The fisheries sector will gear its exportation to high-valued products rather than raw materials in the next four years as well as in the following decade.

The target was stated in the industry’s exports programme for 2010 and orientation for 2020, which has just been approved by the Prime Minister.

The annual export revenues are expected to increase by 9 percent on average to between 4 and 4.5 billion USD by 2010. The processing industry is required to catch up with developed economies in terms of technology so as to enable the fisheries sector to remain one of national major hard-cash earners.

One of the key measures is to restructure the production activities, focusing on boosting large-scaled aquaculture areas and setting up a close link between farmers, scientists and regulators so as to mass-produce a large quantity of products, control the quality and ensure the food hygiene safety.

The Government plans to issue preferential policies which encourage all economic sectors and foreign businesses.

Investment should be made to large-scaled aquatic product-processing centres, fish markets in fisheries-centred regions and communities as well as along the borderline with China.

Intensive investment is also necessary to to boost aquaculture and upgrade the processing industry, emphasised the fisheries sector’s strategy.

(Source: VNA)

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