With marathon tasting exercises now well underway for the annual crop of wine guides, the research of Dr. Charles Wysocki from the Monell Chemical Senses Center...
Chardonnay and a good chicken dish. What could be a better combination, particularly with just the right Chardonnay, and especially one made in Virginia? That’s what...
Australian wine is being sold off cheaper than water, as a glut of grapes pushes the cost of a bottle to below two dollars. Bumper harvests...
As if China didn’t have its hands full keeping tabs on its 1.3 billion people, the country will now begin tracking its vegetables. In an attempt...
Í herbúðum Víns og matar punktur is ríkir mikil ánægja með nýjustu umfjöllun Þorra Hringssonar, þar sem hann tekur fyrir vín frá þeim sem ber heitið „Pinot Bianco“ frá...
Á heimasíðu Klúbb Matreiðslumeistara er pistill eftir hann Sverrir Halldórsson sem er um þessar mundir í Prag. Sverrir hefur verið duglegur að skrifa pistla um ferðir...
Blanching in oil is a traditional Chinese method for preparing meat for stir fry. It must be done in a wok, rather than a fryer, so...
In the house of Jean-Michel Deiss and Marie-Helene Christofaro a set of vaguely medieval prints adorn the wall of the dining room. The large print in...
Take a table at almost any Chinese restaurant in the Rochester area and you will likely be welcomed with a bowl of fried noodles, to be...
Plans for radical reform of Europes ailing wine sector will be debated openly by EU member states for the first time Tuesday, with opposing blocs already...
Nú er búið að auka verulega við vindlaúrvalið, með þessum viðbætum ættu allir að geta fundið sér eitthvað við hæfi hvort sem menn vilja halda sig...
ÁTVR veitti Umhverfisstofnun 5 millj. kr. styrk úr Pokasjóði til framkvæmda við Gullfoss. Jónína Bjartmarz umhverfisráðherra tók við framlagi frá ÁTVR fimmtudaginn 13. júlí í umhverfisráðuneytinu....