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Launch of French wine group at consumer wine show



French wine group, Castel, will be launching its range of wines to South African consumers at the Jo’burg Wine Show, to be held at Gallagher Estate from Friday 28 July to Sunday 30 July 2006.

„This will be the first big launch of the Castel ranges to the South African public“ says Castel representative, Frederic Dasse. Until now, the Castel range has had limited availability in the South African market, through exclusive private wine merchants.

Visitors to the show will be able to taste the more affordable Castel range, as well as sample a variety of Castel’s Chateaux wines, typically only available in top restaurants in South Africa, in the region of R150 to R300 per bottle.

Founded in 1949 by the four Castel brothers, today the company owns around 4000 hectares of vineyards in the French wine-making regions and overseas, and 12 chateaux. Their growth over the past ten years has included the takeover of the Nicolas and Odd Bins specialised liquor store chains (close to 1000 stores), making Castel the French number one in wine and the fourth in the world.



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