Dinner by Design, a leader in the make, take and bake home meal assembly business, announced today a nationwide collaboration with Kraft Foods Inc., a global...
Viðbrögð ríkisstjórnarinnar við matvælaskýrslunni liggja ekki fyrir á þessari stundu. Geir H. Haarde segir að stjórnarflokkarnir séu þó sammála um að verja íslenskan landbúnað. Það þýði...
Samtök ferðaþjónustunnar segja að brýna nauðsyn beri til að lækka matarverð á Íslandi. Þá segja samtökin, að ófremdarástand ríki í samkeppnismálum veitingastaða vegna skattkerfisins þar sem...
The eminent expatriate wine critic Jon Winroth has died in France aged 70. Although he was not well known in the UK except by wine specialists,...
Samtök verslunar og þjónustu hafa kært ríkið til eftirlitsstofnunar EFTA, ESA. Samtök verslunar og þjónustu hafa margsinnis krafið stjórnvöld um að takmarka vöruval sitt í komuversluninni...
With the annual Dubai Summer Surprises in full swing Food Surprises week was once again a huge success. With 20 of InterContinental Dubais chefs participating in...
Hey, they laughed at Australia when they planted grapevines to see what would happen: now wines from down under are considered among the world’s greatest. Donald...
Shafer Vineyards Hillside Select Cabernet Sauvignon is one of the most-sought-after Napa Valley wines. Company president Doug Shafer is frequently asked how long it will age....
Virginia’s wineries face the fight of their lives, but you’d never know it. With:Robert HollandRichmond.com The conundrum facing Virginia’s nascent wine industry is a public-relations case...
CHICAGO – McDonald’s Corp. said Monday its second-quarter earnings will top analysts’ expectations thanks to a strong showing by its European restaurants and increased U.S. breakfast...
Alvin Binuya? What’s it to ya? Lemme tell ya. restaurant homepage: www.madokaonbainbridge.com A generation ago in restaurant years so-called „fusion cuisine“ was sweeping the...
Tracing the exact origins of phyllo pastry is quite a task as every ethnic group whose ancestry goes back to the Middle East claims that the...